งานวิจัย (Research): Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 131
Interlocking Block From Dust Granite
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2014)The objectives of the research . Interlocking block from dust granite. First, Cement Portland type 1 and dust granite sieved by sieve number 8 were mixed too homogenously and were formed to Interlocking block by Cinva ram. ... -
Characteristics of New Engineer Graduate for The Thai Industry In Response to ASEAN Summit Policy
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2014)The purposes of this research was to study characteristics of new graduate engineer for Thai industry to ASEAN policy response. The sample group were 1) undergraduate students, 7 field of studies (Civil Engineering, ... -
Simulation of Magnetic Field Effect Caused Fault in Distribution Transformer by using Finite Element Method
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research presents the research of study and calculate the magnetic field of distribution transformer in the condition of normal load and caused fault by using finite element method that is only developed. The magnetic ... -
Wind-turbine Generator with Wind Tunnel Controlled by Microcontroller
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research presents development of renewable energy from natural. So, we have thought to produce electricity from natural. We have learned about floatation of heat ,bring to get energy which is useful .We have found ... -
Developing Lemon Color Sorter
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research is to study and develop lemon color sorting machine designed to help reduce the burden on farmers in sorting the lemons before export. As the price of green lemons and yellow lemons is different, farmers need ... -
Graphical Input Generator for Developing Computer Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete combine with Steel Structure
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research was to apply graphical method as the input data combined with using database for developing reinforced concrete slab and beam analysis and design. Visual Basic language was used for creating the GUI (graphic ... -
Development Design Construction and Testing of a Single- Phase ACAC Matrix Converter with Passive Loads
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research concerns the principle of a single-phase PWM ac-ac matrix converter, using 4-units of bi-directional, Power MOSFET-Diode as main power switching devices. The converter can directly convert the utility, ... -
The Study Method of Electric Field Stress Control
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research present about the study methods to reduce the electric field stress in the cylindrical shape tested object which is mostly used in high voltage. These methods are to put corona shield in each position on the ... -
Roof Production from fluff Coconut mixing waste drink boxs
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)งานวิจัยนี้เป็นการศึกษาการผลิตไม้อัดจากใบสนทะเลเพื่อเพิ่มมูลค่าจากขยะธรรมชาติ โดยทำการผลิตที่ความหนาแน่น 600 และ 700 กก./ลบ.ม. ความหนาของแผ่น 10 มม. ความชื้นของใบสนทะเลก่อนผสมกาวร้อยละ 3-5 และปริมาณกาวที่ใช้ต่อน้ำหนักขอ ... -
Engineering Properties of Bottom Ash admixed with Dust Stone and Portland Cement for Geoenvironmental Engineering
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research is to study the engineering properties of bottom ash admixed with dust stone and Portland cement type I for using in civil engineering projects. Quantities of the admixture (dust stone and Portland cement) ... -
A development of laboratory exercises in telecommunication engineering based on software-defined radio systems
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research is a development of laboratory exercise in telecommunication engineering. The objective of this research is to provide a tool to for classes in telecommunication engineering. GNU Radio, development software ... -
A Remote Sensing Approach Abandoned Areas in the Classifcation Optimization of Land Use : A Case Study of Salaya, Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research proposes methodology to identify the Idle land found in agricultural zones of Phutthamonthon District, Nakhon Pathom using remote sensing data. The chosen remote sensing data for locating the Idle land plots ... -
The Development of Online Multiple Choice Test System for Base Knowledge Admissions Measured in Faculty of Engineering
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research proposes Online LMS (Learning Management System) Case study Faculty of Engineering Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. Objective to create building tools lesson online and on line exams, Faculty ... -
Mixed Straw Biomass Electrical power Generation System by Using Gasification Technology
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research proposes the potential analysis and experiment results of the straw biomass in matter of the producer gas production by gasification technology. The producer gas from gasification process was sent to the ... -
Permeability properties and the CBR. of the compacted soil mixing asphalt and Para-rubber
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)Thailand and other countries In bar with hot air Laterite a material that is readily available . And used as surface materials and the foundation for construction of roads and airports. Widely Laterite several mechanical ... -
A Development Compressive Strength of Concrete Mixed With rice husk ash By Crushed Dust Replace Sandand Effective Microorganisms
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research aims to study the concrete mix with crushed dust and rice husk ash . Purpose to improve the compressive strength of mortar using by palm ash replaced cement 0, 10, 20, 30, and crushed dust replaced sand 100, ... -
Interlocking block of waste concrete
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research aims to study the waste concrete interlocking blocks . That is appropriate for use in construction or not . By comparing the block integration in general. The ratio of cement dust Rocky was 1: 5 , 1: 7 and ... -
Development of Model of Moisture Content Changing in Unsaturated Layered Soil Due to Non-Uniform Rainfall for Landslide Warning
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)Landslide is behavior of soil moisture content on slope area changing due to rainfall infiltration. Increasing moisture content affect reduce soil shear strength which is cause of slope failure. Causal factors of soil ... -
A Study of relation between strength activity index and cement equivalence factor of biomass ash
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2013)This research aims to study the relationship between the strength activity index and cement equivalence factor of biomass ash cement. The strength activity index is collected by using the mechanical test method which also ... -
Chloride Content of Reinforced Concrete in Marine Environment. Case Study : HuaHin and PranBuri, PrachuapKhiri Khan Province
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015)This study is to study a chloride in filtration into reinforced concrete structure in marine environment. The structure of case study located in Am phoeHuaHin and Amphoe Pranburi, and distance of this structure is not ...