The Study of Properties of Application Hollow Concrete Blocks
This research is to study the properties of Application Hollow Concrete Blocks (AHCB) To determine the ultimate compressive strength and the water absorption compared to Thai Industrial Standard (TIS. 57-2533) and to find the optimal ratio. The AHCB is a Application Hollow Concrete Blocks width 25 cm. length 50 cm. and a thickness of 10 cm. The AHCBs’ measurement and shape based on width, length, and thickness were 25 x 50 x 10 cm.; and 5 x 10 cm. with 4 rectangular foam symmetric hollowed holes. For the concrete used in this research are five aspect ratio, which the ratios of cement : sand : stone were equaled to 1 : 2.75 : 2.78, 1 : 2.37 : 2.48, 1 : 1.98 : 2.18, 1 : 1.62 : 1.90 and 1 : 1.36 : 1.70, respectively. While the water cement ratios were 0.70, 0.62, 0.55, 0.48 and 0.43, respectively. After casting concrete and the molding, the specimens of 150 concrete blocks underwent water curing age for the duration of 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, respectively. The purpose of the research: 1) the ratio of 1: 1.36: 1.70; w/c = 0.43 at 28 days is the maximum average ultimate compressive stress 190.23 kilograms per square centimeter. Which exceeds 3.53 times from TIS? 2) The ratio of 1: 1.36: 1.70; w/c = 0.43 at age three days to have the water absorption minimum percentage of 1.45, lower than the 3.45 times from TIS. 3) The ratio was most appropriate. This research, the ratio was 1 : 2.75 : 2.78; w/c = 0.70 to 3 days old could received a maximum average ultimate compressive stress of mass destruction was 78.64 kilograms per square centimeter. It was also higher than 45 percent or exceeds 1.45 times from TIS. So as to further research will need to choose a concrete manner and consistent with TIS. 57-2533.