The purpose of this research is to study engineering properties of adobe bricks mixed with agricultural materials (banana leaves fiber and coir). The engineering properties which are tested in this study are compressive strength, flexural strength and drying shrinkage. The percentage replacement of the agricultural materials in adobe bricks are 0, 3, 5, 8 and 10 by dry weight, respectively. The results show that the best proportion of agricultural mixture is banana leaves fiber of 3%. The engineering properties of this product comparing to adobe bricks mixed with rice husk made by the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Khao Kling Temporary Prison can be concluded as follows: (1) the compressive strength of studied product increased about 8.02%; (2) the flexural stress increased about 50%; and (3) the drying shrinkage decreased about 46.08%. Therefore, the adobe bricks mixed with banana leaves fiber of 3% can be used as the materials for earthen house.