Pile Set-up in Bangkok Subsoil
This paper presents results of a research on set-up of piles driven in Bangkok sub soil
conditions. In this study, the Dynamic pile load tests were carried out at various times after driving.
The study also included the Static pile load tests to confirm the results obtained from the
Dynamic pile load tests. The study covers two sites, one in Samutprakarn province (east of
Bangkok), the other in Nonthaburi province (north-west of Bangkok). The results of the tests show
that behaviors of pile set-up of the two sites are quite difference. In Samutprakarn site, strength of
pile at one month increased by 3.5 to 4.2 times that of the initial strength at driving, while at
Nothaburi site, the increase was only about 1.6 to 1.7 times. The study also found that the
equations proposed by Guang-Yu (1988) and Svinkin (1996) cannot predict pile set-up in these two
sites. The results of Static pile load tests confirmed the validity of the Dynamic pile load tests.