Polypropylene Composite with Cellulose Fiber from Horse Manure
This research aimed to study mechanical properties of polypropylene
composite reinforced with cellulose fiber from horse manure. The fibers obtained
from horse manure were chemical treated with sodium hydroxide solution by varying
concentrations. The optimal fiber treatment condition was using 4%w/w NaOH
solution for 8 hours at room temperature. For comparison, treated and untreated
horse manure fibers (THMF and HMF) were used as reinforcing fiber. Polypropylene
composites were prepared with fiber content of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 phr by using a
two-roll mill and then the test specimens were molded by compression molding
machine. The result shows that tensile strength of both PP/HMF and PP/THMF were
lower than polypropylene. In contrast, Young’s modulus, impact strength and
hardness of composites were higher than those of polypropylene. The effect of fiber
contents on mechanical properties indicated that Young’s modulus and impact
strength were increase with increasing of fiber content but tensile strength and
hardness were not significant difference. When compared between the addition of
HMF and THMF in polypropylene composites, the mechanical properties of PP/THMF
composites were higher than PP/HMF composites at all of the fiber contents.