Motion Graphics Media to Promote Online Shopping Malls
The objective of this research is to (1) develop graphic media for Motion graphics media to promote
online shopping malls: case studies of Top Value Co., Ltd., and (2) assess user satisfaction with motion
media improved graphics. The sample group are users of Top Value Corporate Co., Ltd., obtained by
simple random method of 30 people. The tools used in the research consisted of 2 parts are motion
graphics media to promote online shopping malls and user satisfaction questionnaires. Research findings
were as follows (1) Motion graphics media to promote online shopping malls are beautiful, attractive and
easy to understand. The overall performance is at a good level and (2) the results of the assessment
Satisfaction of users. The overall is at the highest level. There are 5 assessment topics including content,
subject matter, design terms of voice narration and the usefulness of the use. Concluded that the motion
graphics media to promote online shopping malls developed help users understand the publicity
information of Top Value Co., Ltd., by themselves easily. As a result, users are satisfied with the publicity
information presented in the form of graphic media and make use of various information correctly and