Now showing items 41-60 of 118

    • The Study on Change of State Agencies in Thai Bureaucracy Under The National Council for Peace and Order 

      ศรันย์ดิษฐ์ เบญจพงศ์ (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา, 2019)
      The purpose of this research was to study the current number of Thai government agencies and the change in the number of government agencies while under the rules of General Prayuth Chan-Ocha and The National Council for ...
    • A Study on Human Resources Management System of Ministry of Public Health’s Employees 

      ศรันย์ดิษฐ์ เบญจพงศ์ (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา, 2019)
      The purpose of this research was (1) to study the human resources management system of ministry of public health’s employees. (2) to compare the human resources management system of ministry of public health’s employees ...
    • Carbon Sequestration of the Klongklon Mangrove Forests at Samut Songkhram Province 

      นิตรา ต่อมคำ; กนกพร สว่างแจ้ง; กมลชนก พานิชการ (มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร, 2019)
      The aim of this study of carbon retention of Khlong Khon mangrove forests of Samutsongkhram province was study of plant social characteristics of Khlong Khon mangrove forests. In addition, to study the storage of carbon ...
    • Factors That Affect The Health Condition, According To The Risk Of Functionality Of Your Boat Driver Pakphanang River 

      กฤษติณ ถาวรสังข์ (มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลตะวันออก, 2019)
      This research study aims to make aware of the factors that affect the health condition, according to the risk of functionality of your boat driver Pak phanang River and preventing and reducing the risk of functionality ...
    • Comparative Study of Low-cost Adsorbents for Methylene Blue Removal 

      อภิวัชร์ บุญกูลธนพัฒน์; กมลทิพย์ ดีบุกคำ; ธนิตา วัชรมัย; ขวัญเนตร สมบัติสมภพ (มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ, 2019)
      The objective of this study is to compare methylene blue dye removal ability by 3 types of lowcost adsorbent including activated carbon charcoal and bamboo charcoal. The effects of adsorbent dosage (0.5-2.0g), contact ...
    • Energy performance index to indicate the energy efficiency of brake fabric factory 

      วิจิตร ไสยาศรี; พงศกร คชาพงศ์กุล; ชานนท์ บุญมีพิพิธ (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This objective of the research for analyze energy efficiency. By finding the specific energy consumption (SEC) and the actual amount of energy used (EUI) to compare the energy consumption index. Along with developing the ...
    • Analysis of Multi-Stage Centrifugal Chiller System for Air Conditioning for Energy Conservation in Large Shopping Centers 

      พงศกร คชาพงศ์กุล; สุรศักดิ์ แก้วจันทรา (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, บริษัท ทรีโซน เอ็นเนอร์ยี่ แอนด์ เซอร์วิส จํากัด, 2019)
      This presentation is an analysis of multi-stage compressed water cooling systems for air conditioning to conserve energy in a large shopping center building. In order to a guideline and transfer knowledge to the control ...
    • Efficiency of Infographics for Thai Chili paste website 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; วศินี วงศ์ฉัตรทอง; แพรวพรรณ ทิพย์บำรุง; ศิริมา ถาวร (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      These research aims were: 1 ) to develop infographics for Thai chili paste website. 2) to evaluate the efficiency of the infographic on the Thai chili paste website. Moreover, the instruments used thi s research were: ...
    • Effect of Biogas Effluent from Chicken Manure, Peel and Seed of Durian on Growth and Yield of Marigolds 

      กฤตติกา ขนิษฐ์ทอง; วิกันยา ประทุมยศ (มหาลัยราชภัฏรำไพพรรณี, 2019)
      The objective of this research was to study the effects of biogas effluent from durian shell and seed combined with chicken manure on growth and yield of marigold. The experimental design was a Completely Randomized ...
    • Effect of surfactants and thickness of carbon nanotube film on conductive property for touch screen 

      ฐิมาภรณ์ ชาญณรงค์ (จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย, 2019)
      Conductive transparent film technology has been developed extensively for the electronics industry such as display, touch panel and so on. We studied the effects of surfactants and thickness of single-walled carbon ...
    • The Development of lime Product for Additional Value 

      ชญาดา กลิ่นจันทร์; ชาลี ตระกูล; ชรินรัตน์ บุญมาก; พัชรี เพชรไทย (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏกำแพงเพชร, 2019)
      This research was aimed to 1) study the condition and the needs of lime farmers 2) study the mean on how to add value to lime product and 3) evaluate the satisfaction of lime product consumers. Sample of this research ...
    • Data Predictive Model of Thai Air Quality Using Data Visualization Based on National Ambient Air Quality Standards 

      เอกณัฐ เพียรทำดี; สุขสวัสดี ณัฏฐวุฒิสิทธิ์ (มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม, 2019)
      The research objectives are to develop the predictive model with the indicators based on Thai national standard of air quality. The samples are dust particles smaller than 2.5 micron (PM 2.5) which is collected from ...
    • The Development of the Durian Fruit Traceability Information System 

      กฤษฎา บุศรา; กัญณัฏฐ์ หอมทรัพย์; พรพรรณ เสียงประเสริฐ; พัณณ์ชิตา วิเชียรรัตน์ (สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง, 2019)
      Nowadays, durian fruit is an agricultural product with a high price and is preferred by both domestic and international markets. Which causes problems non-quality durian such as nonmatured durian, accelerative durian ...
    • The satisfaction with the development of a guidebook releases book accommodation and restaurant in Hua Hin, with technical Infographic 

      กรรณิกา บุญเกษม; พรนภา ดารักษ์ (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      The objective of this research is to: 1) develop a guidebook to promote accommodation and restaurants in Hua Hin district with infographic techniques 2) study user satisfaction with the guidebook Promoting accommodation ...
    • The Development of Infographic for fundamental Computer Maintenance Website 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; กฤษฎาพงศ์ เขตบุญไสย (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This research objective 1) to development of infographic for fundamental computer maintenance website 2) to evaluate the satisfaction of infographic for fundamental computer maintenance. The tools used in research as ...
    • The Website Development of Promotion for Ban Nong Makha Community Enterprise Products at Prachaup Khiri Khan Province 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; เพียงฤทัย หนูสวัสดิ์; วาริณี โต๊ะและ; กรรณิกา บุญเกษม (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This research aims 1) to the development of website promotion for Ban Nong Makha enterprises community products. 2) to evaluate the satisfaction of website visitors. The instruments used in the research were 1) website ...
    • Using videos of reviews product for Sisal Group website at Phetchaburi Province 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; อดิศร นวลสา; วัชรินทร์ หลังมี; กัมปนาท แก้วม้า (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This research aims to 1) to produce the videos for reviews products of the sisal group website at Phetchaburi province. 2) to evaluate the satisfaction of users of the website. The instrument used in the research the ...
    • The Development of the Website for Agrotourism at Prachuap Khiri Khan Province using Augmented Reality 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; วาสนา บุญปัญญา; นพศัพดิ์ ตันติสัตยานนท์ (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      The objectives of this research that : 1) to develop of the website Agrotourism at PrachuapKhiri Khan Province using the Augmented reality technique 2) to evaluate performance of the 3) to evaluate the satisfaction ...
    • Website Optimization of Herbs for Health using Search Engine Optimization 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; อังคณา จัตตามาศ; อรอุมา มากศรี (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This research aims: 1) to develop herbal health websites using the search engine optimization process 2) to evaluate the efficiency of the herbal health website. The instruments used: 1) the herbal website for health 2) ...
    • The Development of Website to Promote Dairy Products of Dairy Farms at Prachuap Khiri Khan Province using Food Menu with Infographic 

      อัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์; นพดล สายคติกรณ์; ธรรมภรณ์ จีนเย็น; จุฑามาศ เพชรอยู่; สิริวิมล สมยันพล (Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2019)
      This research aims: 1) to develop the website to promote dairy products of dairy farms at Prachuap Khiri Khan province using milk food menu with Infographic. 2 ) to evaluate the performance of the website to promote ...