Effects of Shading Nets on Growth and Yield of Organic Pak Choi
The study determined the effects of shading nets on growth and yield of organic pak choi at the Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Songkhla campus, Muang district, Songkhla province, from
March to April, 2017. The experimental arrangement was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4
replications and 3 treatments as follow: 1) without shading (control), 2) shading under green shaded net with
50% shading and 3) shading under black shaded net with 50% shading. The results showed that pak choi
growing under shading under green shaded net with 50% shading was suitable for organic pak choi production
because they had high growths and yields than other treatments such as plant height (20.8 cm), number of
leaves (10.8 leaves/plant), leave length (21.0 cm), leave width (10.3 cm) and plant weight (105.5 g).