dc.description.abstract | Mokara is one of the important cut flower orchids in Thailand that have the impact for the exporter. The tissue culture technique has become the most
powerful for produce and added value. So, the objective of this study was to compare the effect of synthetic medium and chemical fertilizer on the growth of
Mokara. The plantlets of Mokara were a culture on synthetic mediums (VW and 1/2 MS) and chemical fertilizers (21-21-21, 30-20-10 and 11-22-33) in total 5
treatments. After 6 months of culture, the result was shown that culturing with 1/2 MS and 21-21-21 gave the highest height at 0.66 and 0.58 cm, respectively.
Moreover, the chemical fertilizers, 21-21-21 gave the highest root length at 0.35 cm. which was significantly different with other treatments. Therefore, the chemical
fertilizers, 21-21-21 could be useful for the growth of Mokara with the low-cost medium in tissue culture. | en_US |