The Consumers’ Opinions towards Textile Products
The objectives of this research were to study opinion of consumers on the styles and production methods
of fabric products decorated with drawn thread work, bias (binding) and Yo-Yo. The blouse and skirt is product
prototype in difference styles. The blouse and skirt products decorated with drawn thread work three style,
decorated with bias (binding) three style and decorated with Yo-Yo three style. There were 9 different of the
products. Consumers’ satisfaction towards the nine prototypes in terms of utility, beauty, and decoration
techniques was then evaluated. It was found that the most of the consumers were females, aged 20 – 29 years,
who graduated Bachelor Degrees, and had an average income of 15,001 - 20,000 Bath per month. The evaluated
results of consumers satisfaction showed the blouses and skirt decorated with drawn thread work technique in
all three styles were suitable in terms of utility, beauty and the decoration technique at suitable level to the
most suitable level (style 1 = 4.29 / 4.40 / 4.20, style 2 = 4.27 / 3.98 / 4.50 and style 3 = 4.15 / 4.24 / 4.25)
Concerning the blouse and skirt decorated with bias (binding) technique in all three styles were suitable in terms
of utility, beauty and the decoration technique at suitable level to the most suitable level (style 1 = 4.29 /
4.40 / 4.00, style 2 = 4.20 / 4.30 / 4.00 and style 3 = 4.24 / 4.40 / 4.00) for the blouse and skirt decorated with
Yo-Yo technique in all three styles were suitable in terms of utility, beauty and the decoration technique at
suitable level to the most suitable level (style 1 = 4.29 / 4.18 / 4.10, style 2 = 4.07 / 4.24 / 4.35 and style 3 =
4.42 / 4.40 / 4.50)