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dc.contributor.authorชมพูนุช สอนศิริen_US
dc.contributor.authorธีระวัฒน์ จันทึกen_US
dc.description.abstractStudy on the attitude of middle adolescents on the development of English language skills of the elderly to travel abroad on general data of people in The BANGKOK AREA and PERIMETERS, the English language skills of middle adolescents and attitudes. The community members, the samples were 400 peoples, methods of sampling based on Probability, by choose the way simple random sampling using Questionnaire as a to collect data storage. For data analysis using Descriptive Statistic include, and Frequency Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Inferential Statistic include to statistics t-test with independent sample and One Way Anova of Variance. From the study on general data respondents, it was found that most respondents were female with 21 years old and they graduated in Bachelor Degree. Most families have elderly people in the family with the age ranged from the result showed that 71 – 80 years. For the English language skills of middle adolescents. The overall listening level is only slightly available. The overall speech level is only slightly available. The overall reading level is only slightly usable. And the overall writing level is only slightly available and the attitude of middle adolescents on the development of English skills of the elderly for tourism for overall at moderately agreeable level.en_US
dc.subjectmiddle adolescentsen_US
dc.subjectelderly peopleen_US
dc.subjectEnglish language skillsen_US
dc.titleStudy on the attitude of middle adolescents on the development of English language skills of the elderly to travel abroaden_US

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