Adaptation Strategies of Dairy Entrepreneurs in Hat Yai City Municipality, Songkhla Province
The objectives of this research were to: (1) look into the impacts of milk shop business expansion on milk
shop entrepreneurs and their adaptation, and (2) examine what factors are important in determining consumers’
decision on milk shop service in Hat Yai city municipality, Songkhla province. Primary data were collected using
structured interviews from a total sample of 17 milk shop entrepreneurs, using the purposive selection, and also
structured questionnaires from a total sample of 400 consumers, using the accidental sampling technique.
Content analysis, descriptive statistics, and logit model were applied for data analysis. The results revealed that
milk shop business expansion had negative impacts on most milk shop entrepreneurs, e.g., decrease in income
and number of customers. These milk shop entrepreneurs have adapted, e.g., development of food and drink
menu, and decrease in labor. The statistically significant variables determining the consumers’ further decision
on milk shop service were dummy variable for further referral on milk shop to others, levels of importance given
to place and promotion, dummy variable for student, frequency on milk shop service, and period of milk shop