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dc.contributor.authorธีรวุฒิ ชูภักดีen_US
dc.contributor.authorวัฒนา ทรงนิสัยen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research were to study the factors used for increasing the construction safety of SRT Red Lines in Chatuchak District, Bangkok, and to realize the safety operation of operators in construction organizations of SRT Red Lines. The factors used for increasing the safety operation in SRT Red Lines construction could be divided into 4 crucial aspects; safety management, safety policy, safety measure, and accident prevention guideline. The questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection from the sample group in the SRT Red Lines construction organization; then the data got were used to find the statistical values to consider the importance of each aspect and analyze the results. The study results revealed that the sample group focused on the safety of constructional sites at the highest level the most. The research resul t s could be u sed as a s af et y gu idel ine on cons t r u ct ion or ga niz at ion. According to the study results, it was found that the general data of the responders were mostly male, 68 persons (83.95%), and female, 13 persons (16.05%). The responders who were between 21-30 years of age were 39 persons (48.15%), bachelor’s degree was 37 persons (45.68%), and work experience on construction between 5-10 years was 25 persons (30.86%). The data collection was collected from the sample group holding the position of architect, supervisor, safety guard, and construction labor of the SRT Red Lines project. The researchers studied the safety information in 4 aspects; 1) safety management focused on the training of construction safety (x̄ = 4.83), 2) safety policy focused on providing knowledge and forcing all employees and labors to follow the rules and measures of safety (x̄ = 4.83), 3) safety measure focused on wearing preventive equipment for personal safety (x̄ = 4.67), and 4) accident prevention guideline focused on planning against severe accident and event (x̄ = 4.67). The construction organization should focus on the safety of construction work and should follow the rules and regulations for construction safety, especially such rules and regulations should be enforced seriously to reduce the potential accidents and hazards which will give the good results to every section.en_US
dc.publisherคณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์และการออกแบบ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์en_US
dc.subjectconstruction safetyen_US
dc.titleFactors used for increasing construction safety of SRT Red Lines in Chatuchak District, Bangkoken_US
dc.title.alternativeปัจจัยที่ใช้เพิ่มความปลอดภัยในงานก่อสร้างรถไฟฟ้าสายสีแดงในเขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานครฯen_US

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