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dc.contributor.authorเทอดศักดิ์ สายสุทธิ์en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research studies the compressive strength of concrete, concrete covering and size of reinforced concrete columns and condominium in Bangkok. The construction quality control is very good. Using PUNDIT non-destructive testing tools to determine the compressive strength of reinforced concrete columns. Use the Micro Covermeter tool to find the concrete covering of the columns and use the Accutap2 tool to find the height and cross-sectional dimensions of the four columns of rectangular reinforced concrete columns. According to studies, it has been found that "The strength of reinforced concrete columns in the post lower end was greater than the column pieces of the percentage of 9.80 and column pieces on the lower column pieces central percent to 1.93 and the compressive strength of concrete columns reinforced concrete in construction, the average was higher than the 11.73 percent for building construction concrete covering virtually the entire height of the reinforced concrete columns were very average, for concrete covering in steel construction virtually the entire height of the reinforced concrete columns are averaged under a predetermined value in construction by 1 percent and the size of the reinforced concrete columns on four sides in the actual construction throughout the height of the columns precious, the average larger than those used in the design 2.32 percent, respectively."en_US
dc.publisherคณะวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเอเชียอาคเนย์en_US
dc.subjectPUNDIT Non-Destructive Testingen_US
dc.subjectCompressive Strengthen_US
dc.subjectConcrete Coveringen_US
dc.subjectSizes of Reinforced Concrete Column and Condominiumen_US
dc.titleCase Study of the Compressive Strength, Concrete Covering and Sizes of Reinforced Concrete Columns for Condominium in Bangkoken_US
dc.title.alternativeกรณีศึกษาค่ากำลังอัดของคอนกรีต ระยะคอนกรีตหุ้มเหล็ก และขนาดหน้าตัดของเสาคอนกรีตเสริมเหล็ก สำหรับอาคารชุดในเขตกรุงเทพมหานครen_US

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