Database machinery and equipment in building for expedient operation and maintenance. A case study of the Sirindhorn Tower at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
The database machinery and equipment in building for expedient operation and maintenance. The objective is to create a form in the storage building, machinery and equipment and data collection equipment and building critical infrastructure for operation and maintenance of Sirindhorn Tower at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin. Divided by topic into other form of storage and use, the form of data storage. The evaluation of the applications involved with consisted of 20 sample and for example compared with the traditional form has been developed that the duration of the operation, maintenance, repair systems.
The instruments used in this research is a form of data storage and query building, machinery and equipment. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, with the percentage standard deviation. And compare the differences in the duration of the work related to the maintenance and repair of machines and equipment design.
The results showed that the comparison period to implement storage prototype with a developed form of machinery and accessory buildings can reduce the duration of contact for maintenance and satisfaction forms that have developed a data acquisition equipment and design. The assessment is divided into two class including 1) Form designed for storage was found to affect the rate of satisfaction was high ( =4.14, SD=0.63) 2) The form storage and least effect satisfaction was high ( =4.00, SD=0.51).