Development of English Writing Skill about the Traditions of the Countries in ASEAN Community by Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) for the Students of the Department of Business English
The purpose of this research aims to develop English writing skill for Business English
students about the traditions of the countries in ASEAN Community, to study the students’
opinions on learning English toward CIRC technique, to provide them the knowledge about
the important traditions of countries in ASEAN Community and to get ready to the
membership of the ASEAN Community.
Population used in the study is the second year students of Faculty of Business
English. The population that was used in this research is the second year students of the
department of business English at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin,
Wang Klai Kangwon Campus by selecting the 39 specific samples. The tools that used in
the experiment and data collecting in this research are the English writing test about the
traditions of the countries in ASEAN Community using before and after the experiment as
well as the score of developing after studying the lesson in each chapter, the behavior
observation form of team working and the questionnaires about learning English toward
CIRC. The statistics that used for analyzing the data are the average (mean), percentage
and standard deviation .
The results found that 1) the scores on the English writing skill of 100 percentage of
students in the traditions of the countries of the ASEAN Community has increased at 5.7
marks after learning using CIRC and the scores of developing after studying of the 8 groups
in 6 chapters has the average at 20.68 marks 2) the scores on the behavior observation of
the students in team working for 4 aspects as the average 3.27, S.D. = 0.60, or 65.4% that
is on a practical level, and 3) the result of the students’ opinions towards learning English
using CIRC in all three aspects as the average 4.54 with SD = 0.52 , or 90.8 percentage.