English Speaking Problems of students who enrolled in English Conversation subject
This study investigates the English Speaking Problems of students who enrolled in English Conversation subject at four campuses of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, second semester, academic year 2011.by using a questionnaire . The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and S.D.
The outcome revealed that the English speaking problems lie in the students themselves in high level (
= 3.53 , S.D. =.73) which are very close to teachers problems (
= 3.56 , S.D. =.83) Learning and external problems are in high level too . The results show that students know English speaking is important but they still want some more fun atmosphere of studying from teachers to encourage them to speak .They also need learning sources to improve and support their English speaking as it’s represented in middle level (=3.07, S.D.= 1.05)