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dc.contributor.authorSawad Cherdchimen_US
dc.contributor.authorJitkawee krachangmeken_US
dc.contributor.authorPatcharee Suksamaien_US
dc.description.abstractThe research Objective is to Study cultural context and local museum development of Laokhrang ethnic group, Tungphakkhoot, Dontoom District, Nakhonpathom Province to be a lively learning centre by community cooperation. There ore 4 groups of samples; 50 yeurs old origins, 30 years old,15 years old teenagers, and the leaders in Laokhrang community totally 90 people. The research methodclogies are document studying and field trip Voice recorder, camera, and record form are used to collect the data The researah is analezed by theories and presented in the descriptive analysis. The study is found that Laokhrang museum was Organized by people in the community. Tools and appliances in the past were donated for the museum. People and local administrative in the community participated in money donation to build the place for represent Laokhrang’s way of life, cultures, tradition, Belief, and ceremony from the past to the present for people, stutdents, and interested ones. The organizing is cooperated by local people, leaders and monks. The local museum of Laokhrang ethnic group is the place for the local culture studying with historical knowledge. Cultural information and conservative tourism are provided for local teenagers making them proud of their culture and community. The display of Laokhrang’s way of live was not well organized. There was no information and details of tools and appliances, so this made guestions for interested people After that, there was the renewal organizing by community, The study is found that visitors can read and understand the information and details given themselves.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectLearning Centeren_US
dc.subjectLao Khrangen_US
dc.titleThe Development fo Lao Khrang Cultur Learning Center Ban Thung HuayDuan Sub-district DonToom District Nakornpathom Provinceen_US
dc.title.alternativeพัฒนาศูนย์การเรียนรู้วัฒนธรรมชุมชนลาวครั่งบ้านทุ่งผักกูด ต.ห้วยด้วน อ.ดอนตูม จ.นครปฐมen_US

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