The study of relationship between knowledge management and competency of
personnel in Stock Exchange Public Company Limited had 4 objectives. Firstly, the study
aimed to study knowledge management in Stock Exchange Public Company Limited.
Secondly, the study aimed to study competency of personnel in Stock Exchange Public
Company Limited. Thirdly, the study aimed to study the relationship between knowledge
management and competency of personnel in Stock Exchange Public Company Limited.
And lastly, the study aimed to find the appropriated model of the relationship between
knowledge management and competency of personnel in Stock Exchange Public
Company Limited.
The population of this study was the committees, executives, and officers of Stock
Exchange Public Company Limited, totally 10 people. The tools of this study employed
observation and questionnaire. Those tools were tested the validity by 5 experts.
Researcher set hypothesizes for proving the research questions and for finding the
knowledge management’s model which relates to competency of personnel in Stock
Exchange Public Company Limited. The model could bring knowledge management to
increase the competency of personnel. This study applied qualitative data analysis with
descriptive theme; phenomenology, case-study, induction, and hypothesis testing.
The result from interviewing found that officers emphasized and realized the
relationship between knowledge management and competency of personnel in Stock
Exchange Public Company Limited. The officers emphasized in the synthesized process of
knowledge management in 4 dimensions; knowledge creation, knowledge discovery,
knowledge sharing, and knowledge implementation. Competency of personnel was
focused in 5 dimensions; knowledge, skill, trait, motivation, and Self-Concept. Therefore,
the relationship of knowledge management and competency of personnel leaded the
organization to high performance firm or ‘Best Practice’. This performance was the
requirement in competitive environment under fast, aggressive, and continuous changing.