dc.description.abstract | This study is quantitative research which has an objective to study participation level,
and a comparison between individual factors that have influence on this participation in the
management of natural resources and environment in Don Ruak Subdistrict, Don Tum district,
Nakhon Pathom province. Population and sample group are citizens aged 20 years old and more
who reside in this settlement. In this method, 400 samples are randomly collected through
various phases by using questionnaire as research tool. Additionally, data collection, direct
interview with respondents, and data analysis that uses descriptive statistics such as frequency
distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics (t-test and F-test)
are applied in the research methods. The result of this study suggests that participation in the
management of natural resources and environment in Don Ruak Subdistrict brings about an
overall score for the medium range of income. The highest participation is implementation, the
lesser extent is benefit gaining, follow up and evaluation, search for cause and problem, as well
as planning and decision-making, respectively. For a comparison on individual factors that
reflects participation in the management of natural resources and environment in different areas
of this suggest difference in their assessment. Notably resources and environment in Don Ruak
Subdistrict, Don Tum District, Nakhon Pathom Province, different education and monthly
income levels both neutrally affect the participation of the management of natural resources
and environment. | en_US |