Although International Accounting Standard 41 (IAS 41) and draft Thailand
Accounting Standard 41 (TAS) have been amended for agricultural business, there still be
the problem concerning on reliability of fair valuation of biological assets for the preparation
of financial statement. This study aims at constructing econometric model for determining
fair value of biological assets for preparing financial statement of the dairy cattle business
in Thailand. Individual depth interviews of dairy cattle managers are first conducted to
define factors determining milk cow auction price. Experimental survey is then observed
using self-reported questionnaire designed based on interview results.
Finally, the study applies double-bounded contingent valuation method (CVM)
to determine willing to pay for milk cow from experimental survey data by using Panel
Logit model. The findings confirm that body condition and age of pregnancy are positively
determined willingness to pay for milk cow while age of milk cow has negative impact.
These estimated results can easily help determine fair value of milk cow for preparing
financial statement.