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dc.contributor.authorอัชฌาพร กว้างสวาสดิ์en_US
dc.contributor.authorชลลดา เค้าแดงen_US
dc.contributor.authorอินทิรา พุฒเจือen_US
dc.contributor.authorปรียาวดี คําวันen_US
dc.description.abstractLearning Center demonstration agricultural has the knowledge about career development items in the community the problem was found in public through the media in the form of the website consequently the objectives of the study were to 1) to promote the development of the Learning Center demonstration agricultural website for Hubkapong Community in Phetchaburi Province, 2) To measure the performance of the website, 3) To evaluate the satisfaction of visitors ordinarily moreover the instruments used were 1) Website 2) Google analytic tracking program sites 3) Satisfaction Population and Samples are Internet users. By purpose of sampling the 400 samples. Data were analyzed using percentage, average, standard deviation. The finding indicated that 1) the development Learning Center demonstration agricultural website for Hubkapong Community in Phetchaburi Province demonstration plot with infographic www. hubkapongcenter. com Content providing the knowledge about career development and to generate income for themselves with the media business graphics. The number of 900 images and 300 posts nevertheless 2) the performance measurement of the trace program Statistics website. The visitors to the site were 735 people. Have site visitors 713 people continuous duty is open notwithstanding 6 606 face reading time 2.56 minutes accordingly 3) evaluation of satisfaction from online questionnaires by evaluating four aspects, the design of website usability and the application showed that the levels of satisfaction overall. At the highest level. At the mean 4.53 conversely, In conclusion, the media infographic on your site., The visitors, have an understanding of career development. And put into practice The channel for the dissemination of knowledge to the learning center from agricultural demonstration plots as well.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectThe efficiency of the websiteen_US
dc.subjectLearning Center demonstration agriculturalen_US
dc.subjectHubkapong Communityen_US
dc.titleThe Effectiveness of the Learning Center Demonstration Agricultural Website for Hubkapong Community in Phetchaburi Provinceen_US

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