dc.description.abstract | The study of local education management (according to the 1999 National Education Act)
of district Khlong Si, Pathum Thani Province, in order to be aware of the preparation, problems and
needs in various fields, which will be information for use as guidelines for operations for various
district administration organizations.
The researcher used data obtained from data collection, using questionnaires to analyze
the data, using the SPSS software package ( Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows
version 10 and interpreting results, percentage and content analysis.
The results of the research revealed that, the problems of implementing policy in educational management
development in Pathum Thani area: a case study of the district administration organization, Khlong Si, Pathum Thani
Province divided into 5 areas;
Part 1: Problems in the management of district administration organizations, are planning on
educational management guidelines in schools, libraries and internal supervision; only 28.6 percent.
Part 2 : The problems of education management of district administration organization, are
decision making in administration and education management within the school, accepting students to
attend the SAO school; responsible for only 7.1 percent.
Part 3 : The problems of education management of district administration organization, are about the
human resource mobilization and other resources, for the management of student lunches and teacher welfare; only
42.9 percent.
Part 4 : The problem of education administration of district administration organization, are about the
academic services of schools; only 35.7 percent.
Part 5 : The administration of district administration organization, are supervising, monitoring, evaluating
the performance and publicizing the work of the supervisory school / visit at least 1 time per session; Only 21.4
percent. | en_US |