The Public Relations and Tourism Promotion System using Beacon
The objectives of this research was: 1) to develop a model for proactive
tourism promotion with new technology. 2) to develop tourism promotion system
on mobile phone on Andriod operating systems.
The research tools include: 1) design and development 2 parts of program
both of presentation tourist information and travel guide management program 2)
evaluate the quality of the tourism promotion system with a Likert scale
questionnaire for 6 professional in system quality and information quality 3) users’
satisfaction using questionnaire collected from 400 tourists by multi-stage random
), standard deviation (S.D.), t-test and
Oneway Analysis of Variance : ANOVA.
The research found that:
sampling. Statistical analysis consist of mean (
1) The overall tourism promotion system quality was at the very high level
of 4.50 (S.D.= 0.22). The information quality was at the very high level of 4.56 (S.D.=
0.47), the system quality was at high level of 4.44 (S.D.= 0.47)
2) Most of tourists are 251 females and 149 males. The most of foreign tourist
came from Australia and the most of Thai tourists are domiciled in Bangkok
3) Satisfaction with the tourism promotion system is very high. The mean was
4.23 (S.D. = 0.48)
4) The comparison of satisfaction with using the public relations and tourism
promotion system and personal factors is not different at the significance level of