dc.description.abstract | The objectives this research were: 1) to develop of infographic in the electronic book for Thai chilis
paste website affects the ranking of Google search engine using search engine marketing technique. 2) to
evaluate the performance of Thai chilis paste website affects the ranking of Google search engine using
search engine marketing and 3) to evaluate the satisfaction of Thai chilis paste website. The tools of this
study were:1) infographic in the electronic book. 2) Thai chilis paste website. 3) Satisfaction questionnaire.
Populations and samples 385 internet users, derived through simple random sampling technique. The
data were collected using a questionnaire online. The Statistical used for analyzing the data was a mean
percentage and standard deviation.
The results of the study followed: 1 ) the development of electronic infographic book for
thaichilispaste.com. There was information about How to cook the chili sauce were four regions; northern,
Northeastern, Central, and southern. The website presentation uses the infographic in electronic books. 2)
evaluate the performance of Thai chili paste website effects the ranking of Google search engine founded
that the website ranked the top 1 of the Google search engine results from 100 %. Moreover, 3) the
satisfaction of the website of five aspects; 1) recognition of infographics, 2) electronic book, 3) design on
the website, 4 ) The quality content of the website, and 5 ) usability. The satisfaction found that all
aspects were at the highest levels. In conclusion, to develop of infographic in the electronic book for Thai
chilis paste website affects the ranking of Google search engine using search engine marketing technique.
The site was more efficient and more visitors to the website | en_US |