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dc.contributor.authorพัชราภรณ์ ชัยพัฒนเมธีen_US
dc.contributor.authorวิวัฒน์ ทองสุขen_US
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were (1) to develop website for public relations the mechanical department of the regional irrigation office 14 and (2) to assess the satisfaction of users with website. The sample is internet users. Accidental sampling method of 400 people. The tools used in the research consisted of 2 parts: website for public relations the mechanical department and questionnaire satisfaction of users. Research findings were as follows: (1) website for public relations the mechanical department that can be used efficiently and (2) The results of evaluating the satisfaction of the users overall satisfaction assessment results were at the highest level. Divided the assessment into 3 areas when considering each side. It was found that users are satisfied with the benefits of using the most. Followed by website and database aspects respectively. In conclusion the developed website can public relation the responsibility information and working together with the agencies concerned with the mechanical section of the Irrigation Office 14 to be thoroughly informed and receive current information that can be used as a guideline performance correctly. that can be used as a guideline performance correctly.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectpublic relationsen_US
dc.subjectmechanical departmenten_US
dc.subjectregional irrigation office 14en_US
dc.titleWebsite for public relations the mechanical department of the regional irrigation officeen_US

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