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dc.contributor.authorภูชิต เที่ยงธรรมen_US
dc.contributor.authorจักรพันธ์ วาสุโพธิ์en_US
dc.contributor.authorสัญญา สมัยมากen_US
dc.contributor.authorฌานิน หาญณรงค์en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research project is a further development. The system of measuring the flow of water in the original river To be more accurate And can display the measurement values via the internet By bringing Internet technology to help make things easier To users while working in the field The measurement values obtained from the flow measurement system in this research project Perform calibration by experimenting with the frequency signal from the function generator to compare between the readings from the oscilloscope And the value that can be read from the flow rate measurement system presented in this research project From the experimental results show that This measurement system shows accurate measurement values in the range 0-2 KHz, which is sufficient to measure the flow rate of water in the river.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectFlow meteren_US
dc.subjectArduino Microcontrolleren_US
dc.subjectshow the result on interneten_US
dc.titleThe Flowrate Measurement System of River with Display on Interneten_US

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