dc.description.abstract | The research aimed to study the effect of green
supply chain management on environmental performance
in food and beverage firms in Bangkok and metropolitan
area. A survey questionnaire was a tool for data
collection. 400 samples were collected from the
managers, team leaders, head of division and department,
and employees who are working in food and beverage
firms in Bangkok and Metropolitan area. Data analysis
was based on descriptive statistics including frequency,
percentage, mean and standard deviation; and inferential
statistics including simple regression with enter method at
the significance level of .05. The results showed that most
of the respondents are female (244 persons or 61.0%),
aged between 21 – 30 years old (191 persons or 47.8%,
graduated in Bachelors ’ degree (262 pers ons or 65.5%),
working in others such as operational staff (131 persons
or 32.8%) and work more than 5 years in the
manufacturer (232 persons or 58.0%). Regression model
analysis revealed that green procurement, green
manufacturing and green distribution and marketing have
an effect on environmental performance in food and
beverage firms in Bangkok and Metropolitan area at the
significant level as of 0.05.
Keywords: Green supply chain management,
Environmental performance, Food and beverage firms,
Bangkok and Metropolitan area | en_US |