Comparative Study on the Quality of Forage Grass Silages in Storage Time 1 for 4 Months in Songkhla Province
The objective of this study was to determine the quality of 4 species of forage grass silages as followed;
Dwarf Napier grass, Purple Guinea grass, Plicatulum grass, and Ruzi grass. These forage grasses were storaged for 4
months at Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Songkhla Rajabhat University during October to December, 2013.
The results revealed that Purple Guinea grass silage had the very good quality and pH of 4.21. The Purple Guinea
grass and Ruzi grass silages had the good quality and pH of 4.81 and 4.92, respectively. Plicatulum grass silage
had the medium quality, pH of 5.86 and had the highest ammonia nitrogen of 10.83%. The Dwarf Napier grass
silage had the highest lactic acid of 6.52%. The chemical composition showed that Dwarf Napier grass silage had
the highest crude protein of 10.23% while Plicatulum grass silage had the lowest crude protein of 8.01%.
Plicatulum grass silage had the highest neutral detergen fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin of 46.07, 70.62 and
4.06% while Dwarf Napier grass silage had the lowest neutral detergen fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin of
34.12, 61.72 and 3.18 %, respectively.