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dc.contributor.authorโสรัจ พฤฒิโกมลen_US
dc.contributor.authorสมเกียรติ โพธิ์ทิพย์en_US
dc.contributor.authorเฉลิมชัย สุวรรณวัฒนาen_US
dc.description.abstractThis article examines the relationship between the works of twelve famous painters who have also won the title of National Artist of Thailand in Painting a diagram illustrating the relationship of the artists and their ideas, artistic movements of their eras. Based on Alfred H.Barr’s methodogical approach and conceptual basis, these analyses encompass the period from B.E.2456 to 2556 (1913-2013 A.D.) The study further indicates that all the aforementioned artists are the alumni of the University Of Technology Rattanakosin Pohchang Campus. The upcoming discussions aim to understand of fine art in Thailand, especially in terms of conceptual frameworks, theoretical foundations, as well as developments of the artistic techniques and methods tesongfing among the works of artists.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectHistory of modern art in Thailanden_US
dc.subjectTheory of arten_US
dc.subjectThe relationship between the artworken_US
dc.subjectNational Artist Visual Arten_US
dc.subjectUniversity Of Technology Rattanakosin Pohchang Campusen_US
dc.titleThe Development History Of ART in Thailand Transmitted through the Works of National Artist Visual Arts (Painting) Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin Pohchang Campusen_US
dc.title.alternativeการพัฒนาประวัติศาสตร์ศิลปะไทยผ่านการถ่ายทอดผลงานของศิลปินแห่งชาติ สาขาทัศนศิลป์ (จิตกรรม) มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสิทร์ วิทยาเขตเพาะช่างen_US

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