The Development of Video Lesson on Principle of Drawing Course A Case Study : Technology Communication Art Undergraduate Students of Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
The Development of Video Lesson on Principle of Drawing Course A Case
Study: Technology Communication Art Undergraduate Students of Rajamangala
University of Technology Rattanakosin. The aim to improve the efficiency and the video
tutorials teaching and academic achievement before and after learning of undergraduate
students enrolled in the basic course. The lessons learned from the video . The sample
used in this research is a first year undergraduate students enrolled subjects adjusted
basis . Faculty of Architecture and Design. Rajamangala University of Technology
Rattanakosin 49 people using a specific sampling techniques (Purposive Sampling).
The study found that video tutorials were created with a total length of 1 hour
and 30 minutes, a total of 10 lessons , video lessons, the quality of the basic principles
on the whole is very good . With a mean score of 4.67 effective practice between
classes and after- school test scores are 80.35/82.61 , which was higher than the 80/80
setting and achievement of students after learning of lessons video course principles .
higher than the initial achievement of students prior to statistical significance at the 0.01