Planning Routing for Customers Service in Eastern Thailand: Case Study of Interparts and Machinery Co.,Ltd.
This research is present to study the Planning Routing for Customers Service in Eastern Thailand
and Reducing the cost of fuel. Employees do not have priorities for customer service. The study therefore
introduced the theory of traveling salesman problem to solve customer service planning problems and
use Microsoft Excel Solver. For processing this result To allow the route to travel to meet customers with
the least total distance.Can plan the order of customer service And can reduce the cost of fuel Therefore
studied planning, ranking and routing to increase work efficiency
The results customer service planning prior to renovation has a total walk distance of 1 , 9 8 1 . 2 3
kilometers. Fuel cost 9,407.54 baht and wear fee 5,943.69 bath. Total costs 15,351.23 bath. Based on the
calculation by Microsoft Excel Solver, which results after the improvement, there is a total walking
distance of 1 , 4 0 9 . 9 kilometers, fuel cost 6 , 6 8 2 . 9 3 baht, and wear and tear 4 , 2 2 9 . 7 baht, total cost is
10,912. 63 baht. Can reduce the total walking distance by 571.33 kilometers or 28.84%, the cost of fuel
decreases by 2,724.61 baht or 28.96% and the wear rate decreases by 1,713.99 baht or 28.84%, resulting
in the total cost decreased by 4,438.6 baht or To 28.91%