The Traveling Behavior and Trends of Aging Accommodation
The elderly tourists are the group who has the potential to spend on money and time in
travelling and tourism. Expansion of the elderly tourist group are more likely continued to grow. The
world is filled with the elderly and the travel industry is an industry that is expanding rapidly particularly
in Thailand. Tourism can generate income to the Thailand a lot. Nowadays, many of the current business
give priority to modify the elderly market strategy and the most important key of entrepreneurs is to
access the needs of elderly consumers and to meet the consumer groups as much as possible.
Becoming an aging society in Thailand, is both an opportunity and a test for hospitality sector, In
order to adjust the product service activities, clubs, schools and training. In accordance with the needs of
the elderly who is becoming to be the main future population. According to the elderly growth, it can
make the economic and social systems of the country better. And increasing number of elderly makes
hospitality industries start to get ready for supporting the changes. Elderly tourists have a variety of tourist
behaviors and different needs from the other tourists. Hospitality business is growing up gradually such as
hotels and apartments for elderly including recreational activities and nursery for elderly