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dc.contributor.authorกิตติธัช ศรีฟ้าen_US
dc.description.abstractThe sea conservation trend is becoming widely spoken. Which has both water and underwater In the underwater case, water and coral are often mentioned, including garbage in the sea. But there are very few that mention the archaeological sites under the sea Which Thailand is a country with a lot of seaside areas By southern Thailand In the east is the Andaman Sea and West is the Gulf of Thailand. There is a long pointed area that flies into the sea, flanked by two peninsulas. Is a trade route And important cultural routes Which has many valuable knowledge still under the sea The author therefore calls this phenomenon "Drowning knowledge", this academic article Aiming to present the concept of the importance of the underwater archaeological site By mentioning the source of the ship, sinking it outside the island primarily Which the boat is over 100 years old and has an interesting history By using references to write this article from Underwater Archeology Division And independent scholars who are interested in sunken ships in Thailand Which is a collection of documents and documents to explore the sunken ship together with underwater archaeologists And such independent scholars Which is considered a field data collection By participating in the observation (Participant Observation) to understand the work of underwater archaeologists See the condition of the ancient sea under the sea The ship sank the island outside what it is today. In addition, the researcher conducted an in-depth interview (In Depth Interview) with those involved in this underwater archaeological site. Then analyze the data And summarizing the information about the archaeological site, the ship sunk off it Then find ways to publicizeen_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectUnderwater Archeologyen_US
dc.subjectUnderwater Archaeological Sitesen_US
dc.subjectUnderwater Archaeological Tourismen_US
dc.titleWhen One Time Drowning Knowledge: Dissemination Underwater Archaeological Site Koh Munnork Wreck Diveen_US
dc.title.alternativeกาลครั้งหนึ่งความรู้จมน้ำ : การเผยแพร่แหล่งโบราณสถานใต้น้ำ เรือจมเกาะมันนอกen_US

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