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dc.contributor.authorปวีณ์สุดา จันหุณีen_US
dc.contributor.authorฟ้าใส สามารถen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to 1) study effectiveness of long term care management of frail delealy .2) To critical success factors for effectiveness of long term care management, and 3) To ascertain correlation among critical success factors and effectiveness of long term care management to the delealy This was mixed research, qualitative of proached; questionnaires was data gathering tool. sample were long term patient rescinded Nonthaburi Municipality service area aecording to Yamane equation . Stratified and accidental sampling were used for sampling. the key thing ranking official were sample for qualitative approach . descriptive statistics; percentages,mean, standard deviation, meaning Pearson R was inferential statistics: the findings were as follows; 1) effectiveness of long term care management was high level. 2) the high critical factors was government policy 3) there were a statistical correlation among critical success factors with effectiveness.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectlong term care managementen_US
dc.subjectfrail elderly peopleen_US
dc.titleManagement Effectiveness of the Frail Elderly People Long -Term Care : A Casestudy of the Elderly Living in Nonthaburi City Municipality Area, Nonthaburi Provinceen_US
dc.title.alternativeประสิทธิผลการจัดการระบบการดูแลระยะยาวสำหรับผู้สูงอายุที่มีภาวะพึ่งของเทศบาลนครนนทบุรี อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดนนทบุรีen_US

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