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dc.contributor.authorศรันย์ดิษฐ์ เบญจพงศ์en_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research was to study the current number of Thai government agencies and the change in the number of government agencies while under the rules of General Prayuth Chan-Ocha and The National Council for Peace and Order. This research use documentary research method. The results of the research conclude that when comparing the number of state agencies before and after the rule of The National Council for Peace and Order found that an overall number of state agencies has increased. The number of public sector on the ministry level remain the same they dissolved and established with the same amount. While the number of state agencies on department level has increased because of the establishment of a new department from existing missions and the department transfer between ministry as a result of establishing new ministry. In contrast, the number of state enterprise has decreased because they consolidate two state enterprise together and establishing a new one. The number of public organizations has increased and there is the transfer of public organizations between ministries because of the establishment of a new ministry. Lastly, the other state agencies number has increased as well in accordance with the new missions.en_US
dc.subjectThe State Agenciesen_US
dc.subjectPublic Sectoren_US
dc.subjectState Enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectPublic Organizationsen_US
dc.subjectThe National Council for Peace and Orderen_US
dc.titleThe Study on Change of State Agencies in Thai Bureaucracy Under The National Council for Peace and Orderen_US

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