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dc.contributor.authorกฤษติณ ถาวรสังข์en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research study aims to make aware of the factors that affect the health condition, according to the risk of functionality of your boat driver Pak phanang River and preventing and reducing the risk of functionality of your boat driver Pak phanang River. The problem is the service employees engaged in boating will need to touch the environment that makes the worker has a chance of harmful factors during work, such as the water smells rotten. Smell the smoke from the exhaust pipe of a passenger vessel. Smell the smoke from the pipes, motorcycle services The sound of the boat, motorcycle audio service, which make be affected or disease due to style or functionality may cause a disease in the future. This study has led, according to the health condition of risk theory, from the work. Index of innovation & consistency test with the objective behavioural and t-test (testing) to look at the factors that affect the health condition, according to the risk of functionality of your boat driver Pak phanang River and protection guidelines. Study results Factors that affect the health condition, according to the risk of work affects the health of a river boat driver Pak phanang is on many levels, there is a dangerous chemical factors factor 1 (Mean = 3.50, SD = 1.43) made it a cause map and result analysis of the contents of the present overworked 14,782.Costs that affect the health of our employees drive the boat. To find ways to prevent hazards from the working environment of our employees drive the boat river mouth flap. By using the cause-and-effect chart used to analyze problems and find a solution. By how to prevent harm from the working environment of the theory of environmental work approach in preventing hazards from the working environment of our employees drive the boat river mouth flap.en_US
dc.subjectHealth Conditionen_US
dc.subjectWork Risken_US
dc.subjectBoat Driveren_US
dc.titleFactors That Affect The Health Condition, According To The Risk Of Functionality Of Your Boat Driver Pakphanang Riveren_US

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