Production of online video media for business promotion of Newbie Kitchen, Nanami Animation Company
The objectives of this study are 1) to develop online video media for business promotion of
Newbie Kitchen, Nanami Animation Company 2) to study visitor satisfaction towards online video
production Of Newbie Kitchen, Nanami Animation Company. Video media developed for presentation in
the form of cooking programs. Develop from production planning, script writing, material preparation and
recording. Using Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects for video editing and media decoration. The
sample group in the evaluation of online video media development consisted of 30 employees of the
company and selected a sample group by using random sampling techniques for the purpose of
education. Tools used for evaluation include: 1) Online video media for business promotion, Newbie
Kitchen, Nanami Animation and 2) online questionnaire. Statistical analysis with descriptive statistics:
mean, percentage and standard. The results of the study showed that 1) there are online video media for
business promotion of Newbie Kitchen, Nanami Animation, which has the contents of new style programs
by presenting desserts and snacks. The viewers can practice on their own easily and save costs. And 2 )
the highest satisfaction of visitors to online video production is the aspect of Content with an average of
4.53 at the highest level