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dc.contributor.authorกรรณิกา บุญเกษมen_US
dc.contributor.authorจักรรินทร์ จุกะแจะen_US
dc.description.abstractThis project aims 1) to develop and evaluate site performance knowledge management solutions for the computer, 2 ) the satisfaction of Internet users on the site knowledge management solution to use. computer equipment the tools used in this research are: 1 ) The site knowledge management solutions, device, computer, 2 ) the satisfaction of Internet users on the site knowledge management solution to use. computer equipment from a random sample of 400 online survey statistics used in this study was the percent value. The standard deviation the results showed that: 1) the development of the site. Knowledge management solutions, used computer equipment. Can be used effectively meet the scope 2 ) the satisfaction of the active site found that of a sample of 400 people. The assessment is divided into three areas: the content of the website. The average overall satisfaction level of 4.81 is the highest. Design and layout of the site. The average overall satisfaction level of 4.79 is the highest and the interests of users. The average overall satisfaction level of 4.85 is the highest. The overall satisfaction level in all 3 areas have an average of 4.83.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Managementen_US
dc.titleKnowledge management website for solving problems using computer equipmenten_US

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