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dc.contributor.authorOrajit Jaemsangen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this project is to simulation model of canned pineapple process in order to study the production process and time. The overview of canned pineapple production process from the major manufacturing plant in Thailand was studied. There was six process in canned pineapple production including putting can, adding pineapple, adding syrup, weighting, putting plastic cover pan and labeling. The simulation model of these processes was conducted. Right and Left hand chart with reckon time was used to investigate the production process. From the study, the total processing time was approximately 44.99 second per can. The Arena simulation and analysis was performed by using all collected data from previous section. The average total time was 0.0076 second. The minimum times was 0.0061 second.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectSimulation Modelen_US
dc.subjectRight &Left Hand Charten_US
dc.subjectProgram Arenaen_US
dc.titleSimulation Modle Pineapple Can Process : A Case Studyen_US
dc.title.alternativeแบบจำลองกระบวนการผลิตสับปะรดกระป๋อง : กรณีศึกษาโรงงานตัวอย่างen_US

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