The image of faculty of industry and technology in view of the labor market ; A case study of entrepreneurs in Hua Hin district, Prachuapkhirikhan province
The purpose of this research, the image of faculty of industry and technology in view of the labor market; A case study of entrepreneurs in Hua Hin district, Prachuapkhirikhan province, is to study the image of industry and technology faculty in view of the labor market in the fields of the lecturers’ qualification, students’ qualification, service to community and society, and perception behavior. The sample of this research consisted of 300 people which selected by simple random sampling technique.
A tool used in this study is a questionnaire created by the researcher. The statistics used in this study are frequency, percentage, arithmetic means, standard deviation, and a correlation coefficient of Pearson.
The findings revealed that:
1. The mean of the image of the industry and technology faculty in view of the labor market in Hua-Hin district is at the best level.
2. The relationship between factors that affect to the image of the industry and technology faculty found that the overall relationship has no statistically significant. Considering from each feature finds that in lecturer field, and service to the society and community field have the relationship statistically significant at the level of 0.05, in behaviors perception field the statistically significant at the level of 0.01, in the feature of graduate students has no statistically significant.
Therefore, from the results find that the student field should be developed to the higher level and fulfill to the need of labor market which focus on efficiency and ready to work.