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dc.contributor.authorSaravut Vongnateen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research is aimed to develop the stamping mold on the ceramic arts. Tools used in the research 1.Local clay 2.Stoneware clay 3.Wood 4.Resin 5.Chemical test 6.Scales 7.Kiln 8.Gas 9.Camera 10.Computer The results of research can lets us know about 1.Inherit culture wisdom and designing development stamping mold on the ceramic arts in appropriated use decorate of project and proliferate form stamping mold on the ceramic arts 2.Know about attribute material that use as stamping mold, has four kind 1.local clay 2.stone ware clay 3.wood 4. resin 3.How to make or the way to create stamping mold process by using the four type of material 1.local clay 2.stone ware clay 3.wood 4. resin. After the test we found that each type of material procedures has its differences in making step, and all of those types can be used for stamping mold as the ceramic arts. Then the last we proof that resin is the easiest material, casting mold and reproduce a lot by not deviate from the original model also qualities and quickly than other types.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectstamping molden_US
dc.titleDevelopment of the stamping mold on the ceramic artsen_US

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