Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Effect of silica on thermal properties and mechanical properties of reprocessed PLA/PBAT biocomposite
(มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์, 2015-10)
This research aims to study the effects of silica on mechanical properties and thermal properties of PLA/PBAT composites by multiple extrusions with 0.1, 1.0, 3.0 and 5.0 % silica. This research used a twin screw extruder ...
Moistness Rice Meter by Wireless Sensor Network
(มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์, 2015-09)
The current industrial agriculture is the main industry of the country. By agriculture as a profession that is vital to the country. And one of the agricultural products that are unique and established with Thailand, rice ...
Effect of Aging Conditions on Anti-bacterial Performance and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene and Polystyrene Doped with HPQM
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015)
The effect of service conditions on anti-bacterial performance of polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS) thermoplastics doped with 2–Hydroxypropyl–3–Piperazinyl–Quinoline Carboxylic acid Methacrylate antibacterial agents ...
A Development of a low-cost laboratory exercises in Optical communications Phase 2
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015)
This research is a development of low-cost laboratory exercise in Optical communications. Electronic components are used to create the training exercise. Topics of training exercises can be improved efficiently. The ...
The Damage Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structure Buildings under Earthquake by Modal Pushover Analysis, Kanchanaburi
(มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์, 2015-09)
The objective is to evaluate the performance of a reinforced concrete structure under seismic forces at the level expected for Kanchanaburi. The analysis procedures used in this study were based on those given in FEMA-356. ...
(มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์, 2015-09)
The objective of this research is to study the effect of contaminant and water level on the bearing capacity of sandy soil layer. The sandy soil layers are simulated in testing tank under conditions of dry, water level, ...
The Development of Modern Information Technology Marketing. TO Promote Local Communities. HUA-HIN, PRACHUAP KHIRI KHAN PROVINCE
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015)
This research aims to 1) study the need to use information technology market, 2) the development of information technology and marketing to promote products and local community. The municipality of Hua-Hin. Hua-Hin, Prachuap ...
Developing of Tensile Properties of Concrete Mixed with Plastic Waste
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015-09)
The objective of this study is bring plastic trashes from industry and household (plastic plate, foam and plastic beads) to mixing with cement for produce mortar by using plastic trashes each type for material mass resolution ...
การพัฒนาคุณสมบัติทางกลของไม้เนื้ออ่อนที่อบชุบด้วยจุลินทรีย์ ประสิทธิภาพและอบแห้งด้วยคลื่นไมโครเวฟ
(มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลรัตนโกสินทร์, 2015-09)
This research deals with to development of mechanical properties. of Softwood. Using Microbial Efficiency by Taking Softwood and Three Types of Wood, Rubberwood, Neemwood and Cassia Soak Inoculum Water Microbial Efficiency ...
A study the mechanical properties of concrete mixed microorganisms. By means of low pressure steam curing
(Rajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosin, 2015)
This research aims to study the mechanical properties of the concrete mix microorganisms. By curing steam There are variables to test the amount of microbial powder instead of cement. The ratio of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 by ...