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dc.contributor.authorWeeraporn Panmeeen_US
dc.description.abstractDipression is illness that lose wealth of health and a problem of psychiatry in Thailand. Most people do not realize of losing from depression. They think depression is the illness that it is cured itself and most people still understand that psychiatric patients are insane, disgusting and deny to heal psychiatric patients that reason why some patients did commit suicide. I am different one from the most people because I know how are psychiatric patients important. Everybody feels uncomfortable with a bad temper especially the psychiatric patients, the patients can not explain how is the feeling. If the patients are ill in a short term it is easy to relieve but if long term it is harder to relieve and the patients risk to be depression. Environment and lifestyle include each life that a person will be dreary person or not. I chose this story to create printmaking art work by Relief Printing and Planographic Printing by using Semicolon [;] as a symbol to encourage the patients. The symbol is from Amy Bluel, the founder of organization not for profit as name ‘Project Semicolon’. He did a spirit for the patients and other people who have problem about psychiatry.en_US
dc.publisherRajamangala University Of Technology Rattanakosinen_US
dc.subjectThe patient of emotionen_US
dc.titleThe patient of emotionen_US
dc.typeArt Thesisen_US

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