Green Governance for Eco-friendly Industry Management
The objectives of this research were to study the level of green governance in
industry management; to study the level of the eco-friendly industry management; to
examine the relationship between green governance and eco-friendly industry; to
explore the guidelines of using the green governance for eco-friendly industry.
The mixed method research was used. The quantitative research was used for
collecting data from 800 industrial units and the qualitative undertaking was carried out
through interviewing the persons concerned. The statistics used in data analysis was
percentage, mean, standard deviation, canonical correlation and path analysis
The research revealed that the implementation of Green Governance was a
natural resource management in a sustainable manner through the co-operation among
public sector, entrepreneurs and communities. Eco-friendly industry management was
to maximize the utilization of resources with the minimum environmental impact to the
communities. The relationship about the green governance and eco-friendly industry
management was at a high level. Sustainable resource utilization had no direct effect on
the eagerness and environmental friendly culture.